
Ellice Janus, Creative Director/ Design Director

My name is Ellice. I am a fashion designer and creative director based in NYC with an incredible eye for trend and design, and the proven ability to identify, visualize, and communicate a brand's aesthetic. I believe that inspiration is everywhere, and you just have to be open to see it.

We wear clothes to express ourselves and present the image of who we want to be. And just as we communicate ourselves through our clothing, a company conveys themselves through their brand image. I have spent many years working with different retailers, learning who they want to be and who their client is, and then presenting and designing unique products that align with their objectives and the desires of their target customer.

One of the most influential periods of my career is when I was the creative director for an in-house brand called Modamix. I drove the creative process from its conception, responsible for not only designing the line but also developing the brand's identity and aesthetic. The brand launched with a tiny team and on a shoestring budget, yet with passion and grit, we were picked up by several major retailers. Even more exciting than that was growing an organic following. Our audience recognized the authenticity and consistency that I worked hard to maintain and as a result, they engaged with us. As thrilling as it was to flip through the pages of a magazine and see my styles used in an editorial spread, I felt the most joy when I received a thank you note from one of our customers. She wrote to thank me for creating a brand that saw her and made her feel beautiful. All these years later, I still keep this card on my desk to remind me why I love my job.

I am currently open to a new career opportunity and looking forward to the journey.